February 07, 2010

Floor fumes or Murder Mystery Dinner Theater?!

This week's end saw the kitchen completed for the most part, the re-upholstering of the benches and the  hardwood get a make over... Everything is shaping up very nicely. Unlike the the tile guys, the hardwood guys do not let us walk on the floor- and I didn't even try to break the rules. As they were laying the first coat we observed with awe the beauty of the sanded and treated hardwood... End result: the staff becomes crazy due to fume inhalation... 

The floor look really good- this is one coat in, the finished result will be amazing! 

A shine-y kitchen is made:

Chuck goes crazy on us...

A struggled ensued but in the end, it was made to look like a suicide... Caught on Film! Did anyone watch Cops this week to see if Chuck is on it? I thought they might include him on the episode where the one guy huffs paint and has it (silver) all over his face and torso... 

Fume inhalation?! Guesses welcome!


Due to tragic events associated with Carol's downfall, Nicole has lost her mind...

The ladies of the hour and some LDC love...
Taking a break from ordering replacement items to pose for a photo op! 

We are all getting really excited at the prospect of picking the reopening date...
To clarify a few around town rumors that have circulated back to us:
1. The LDC is not and will not be sold to someone else! It wouldn't be the LDC then and really, who could do a better job than the current ownership?! Are you thinking? Exactly: no one.
2. We are not reopening solely as a catering space. That's plain absurd! Your favorite quirky restaurant will be back with a few improvements just as it has been since 1994.
3. We are in fact reopening! We didn't let prancing deer ruin our years of work and we are certainly not going to let water!

Megan's Personal Banter...
As I have neglected my occasional banter in lieu of updating everyone on the status of the LDC, I thought I'd share an 'In other news' segment...

1. Did anyone besides me notice that scientologists are reaching out to Haiti? I hear John Travolta flew in his personal jet to offer relief. What are they going to do, use their overpriced mood rings to cure starvation and lack of housing and water?! Aren't the Haitians too poor to be scientologists? I mean what purpose is there? Recruits to scrub the decks of the pending mothership?!

2. Is Sarah Palin really going to make a bid for the presidency in 2012 or is she really just trying to take over Avon? I'm thinking she could redeem herself by taking adult english and history courses and becoming a spokesperson for Phonics.

3. How could a Jonas brother say Bob Dylan "can't sing"?! I didn't even know who these Jonas boys were until a few weeks ago (apparently they are super famous products of Disney?) and I can't believe some pipsqueak pop star would have the gaul to say that. I mean, yeah Dylan has some issues on occasion with the drugs and the staying upright but his voice is legendary. What have the Jonas brothers contributed to music? In fact, I'm wondering if they'll even exist anymore by the time this is posted.

and lastly...
4. Run-in with camouflage pants lady at the Belmar. I am fairly certain she has a crack and/or severe alcohol addiction but she offered these two bits of advice (listen closely):
  • NYC is VERY dirty and you need to wash your hands two times per day when you are there. This will help you to not get the flu. 
  • If you don't have a shower, tub, tooth brush-or a bathroom at all- it is best to bathe in a seedy bar sink. Utilize: a soapy water pool in the sink to first scrub your body thoroughly and then a wet a paper towel to rub on your teeth for that public restroom sheen....

And that kids, is priceless information. I swear I need a camera to capture the people that take a liking to me so someday I can write a book of all of the interesting outlooks I've come across...

Have a wonderful week!


Marie M said...

This was really good. I especially enjoyed the line about Palin taking over Avon! We can only hope this is the limit of her aspirations. See you tomorrow for another fun-filled week of mayhem.

Susan H said...

Awesome job Megan ... I too like the point of Palin ... she truly is absurb and just plainly put: foolish!!

The report of your Belmar encounter was truly entertaining ... I would have loved an accompanying photo :)