June 03, 2012

Social Demise and Inconsistent Babble

So it has been a half year since I last rambled -likely much to the disdain of anyone accidentally stumbling upon this page. I was trying to remember all of the interesting things that may have happened since then and I have to admit, my memory is not really up to it.
A few highlights however...
1. We officially opened our new lounge at the Lost Dog this weekend. A labour of love! It looks fantastic and I'm excited to see how it does. I'm also a little apprehensive of what new and unusual circumstances will arise from the addition.
2. I turned 30. It was exactly like I expected it to be. I did however, have a really fun birthday that involved French food and wine & a Feist concert with two of the best friends a human being could ask for. To be fair, my birthday lasted 5 days. I spent it in NY with my best friend and we meandered around much of Queens. She lives in Astoria, and I haven't had much time to visit and see what her life and neighborhood are like, so it was a special treat.  I did a Jameson quality test at each Irish pub I happened to come across: I give Astoria a two thumbs up for Jameson quality. I was also luck enough to be in NY at the same time a friend of mine that lives in Paris presently was visiting so I got to catch up with her too. Overall, it was a whirlwind of 5 days that I will definitely never forget!
3. I briefly considered fleeing the state a couple of months ago. You know, the sort of fleeing where you don't tell anyone where you are going or what you are doing until you are there doing it? I think a lot of people make jokes about doing this- I certainly have in the past- but I seriously considered it to the point of taking the beginning steps of organizing my attic so I might begin to pack. I also started shedding a reasonable chunk of my belongings. I suppose I was thinking it would be great to be a free spirit or whatever it is people with less anxiety over responsibility call it. I'm still not completely abandoning the idea.
4. I've come to the conclusion that people under the age of 25 or 26 are socially addicted to their i"device name"s. I enjoy my iphone as much as the next person but it seems like a social disease that has resulted in the creation of social Rs. Here are just a few examples of instances that make me believe the overall IQ and emotional IQ of the nation are plummeting:

  • "Do you want to go to dinner and broadcast it/text each other about it while it's happening?" Working in the restaurant I watch 4 kids sit together and not speak. They just play with their phones. Are they texting each other? I mean, why even bother going out to eat if you are more interested in anything and everything else going on in the world? Yes, I know, it's available. That's just the point. It's available ALL THE TIME. You can text or call or facebook ANYTIME. You are out to dinner to spend time with your friends. If you'd rather make sweet love to your iphone, go home. 
  • "I know I've been ignoring you in lieu of my iBestfriend but I demand your attention NOW!" Don't expect a server, cashier, receptionist, whatever service industry worker you can think of to pay attention to you while you're either talking on or staring at your phone. It's rude. Get some manners. Grow up.
  • "Look at me! I go places! I have friends!"What is with checking in? Is it because you want everyone to know you go places? Who actually cares? Are you just trying to get attention? I block requests to be checked in to any place. I also only ever check into my house and only do it as a joke. I do not appreciate everyone knowing what and where I'm doing with who. I also don't appreciate people that appreciate letting everyone know this. If your ego needs a boost, perhaps you should get a therapist. Get a new tshirt... And for the love of god don't tag me in photos when I'm clearly doing something that isn't really public friendly. Try a little tact. (Also a feature I have blocked.)
  • "I'd like to tell you about my very specific needs at work." Don't text me about work. Period. Unless you are the owner of my place of employment, it's frankly not appropriate. Call. I have resolved to never answer any work related texts from now until the end of time from staff members. If you can't be bothered to dial the phone and, like an adult, address whatever issue, I can't be bothered to recognize your issue. I will delete it and say I never received it. 
  • "I have a problem/issue with you so I'm going to text you a novel." Don't send me paragraphs of text messages about serious issues. I've been guilty of having been suckered into this type of conversation a few times and every time, I regret it. What you actually means never gets said because it's lost in a jumble of shortened phrases. Again, call. Meet in person. Resolve the situation without hiding behind your iShield. 
  • Please do send me messages that consist of emoticons or short synapses of hilarity. These are always appreciated. 
  • "Look, I'm using my phone! I know you know I am because you can hear me in Siberia!" Talking out loud into your phone in a social place. Just don't do it. Don't ask Siri directions loudly. If you must talk to someone to relay a message, keep it brief and at a volume that is acceptable to everyone around you. If you are expecting a call and are in public, turn the ringer either off and set vibrate. No one cares that you have a phone. We all have one. No one cares about your personal issues or the fact that your phone can talk back. I do understand though, why your best friend is your phone now. I'm sorry for your losses. 
  • Please use your phone for directions instead of asking me for them 50 times. I mean seriously, you can figure out how to blab your entire personal life to the world but haven't taken one second to figure out how to use the features that are actually useful on your device? 

  • "Your phone was there so I read it. Here's my opinion. [Insert creation of real life drama that was prior unnecessary]" This is probably the worst thing I can think of. Seriously?? Does it not go without saying that you have no business reading other peoples' phones for any reason? Does it also not go without saying that it's also not your job to then draw conclusions and attempt to moderate social situations that have absolutely nothing to do with you? I am really happy I figured out how to make it so my messages don't even show up on the face of my phone and to password protect it. The fact that I had to do that- or that those features had to be created even- because people are nosey meddlers with absolutely no boundaries is pathetic.  Does this instant access world really mean personal boundaries are out the window? I certainly have never believed that, but then I have a lot of respect for my actual relationships with actual human beings. And for those of you that have had interest in my texts, comments, facebook, whatever... yes... I am talking in text messages. I'm texting all about you. I'm texting people you know about things you don't even know about. Go gossip about that. 

That should about do it! I need to create a perfect snack for the Game of Thrones finale! I also need to cuddle with my dog.
Until next time...

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